Target Criteria
Detailed requirements and criteria for NCG Ventures' investment targets.
Target Company Criteria
Pre-Seed Requirements
Growth Metrics
const RequiredMetrics = {
monthlyRecurringRevenue: "$2,000",
MoMGrowth: "20%",
dailyActiveUsers: "3,000",
WoWGrowth: "5%",
productStage: "MVP Required"
Founder Requirements
Technical Background
- At least one founder must have:
- Deep technical background, or
- Proven technical competency
Development Philosophy
- In-house technical development required
- No outsourced tech development
- Solo founders acceptable
Key Assessment Questions
"If the founder(s) were a stock, would I buy their stock?"
"Is this person 1. Resilient, and 2. Relentless?"
Company Structure
- Clean cap table structure
- Functioning MVP
- Clear technical roadmap
Investment Focus
DeAI (30%)
- Data Access Solutions
- Data Capture Systems
- AI Applications
Omni-chain dApps (30%)
- Cross-chain functionality
- Robust architecture
- Scalable solutions
Memetics (40%)
- Strategic market opportunities
- Clear exit potential
- Planned reduction to 10%